Food Preferences by Culture

Culturally-relevant food is a thing, and we try to designate food and herbs to communities who will appreciate and utilize them.  Fruit is universally appreciated but people (obviously) cook and eat herbs/veggies that they are familiar with. Which brings us to another challenge-herbs have multiple names depending on the culture so much of the time we go by the scent.  Establishing trusted relationships with the people operating the food pantries provides the foundation for an open dialogue, so everyone can feel comfortable sharing what their community members will or won’t use. This information not only helps us all waste less food, but we learn SO much in the process. 

In 2020 Food Bank of the Rockies compiled a list of Food Preferences by Culture and we have found it to be an invaluable resource. Still, we feel sharing a conversation with the food pantry facilitators is the most helpful as they know their community and what they eat, better than anyone else.


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