
FULL - Soil Blocking Workshop

FULL - Soil Blocking Workshop

This event is full. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, plese send an email to

Want to learn a seed-starting technique that is waste-free and produces strong seedlings? Join us April 5th from 10-11:00 as we learn ‘soil-blocking’ from Homesteading in Denver’s Garden Goddess, Heather Grady. Heather and her hubby, Terrance, are devoted gardeners, educators and advocates for sustainable garden practices. They have gotten positive results using the seed-blocking system and Heather is graciously willing to share her knowledge-lucky us!

This class is FREE, all materials provided, registration is required. Limited to 8 participants

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Vanilla Workshop

Vanilla Workshop

After a trip to Hawaii, daughter, Katie and I are excited to share what we learned from our tour of The Vanillerie. You will learn where vanilla comes from, how it is produced and the different types of vanilla. There is a reason vanilla is expensive! But extract and vanilla products are relatively easy to make so we will teach you how to make your own extract, simple syrup, sugar and salt.

All materials will be provided. Suggested donation: $30 , be paid the day of the event, via cash, check, Zelle or Venmo.

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Wreath-Making Workshop with Gerald Abner

Wreath-Making Workshop with Gerald Abner

In conjunction with Blue Shed’s Annual Winter Market, we will be hosting a wreath-making workshop here with Gerald Abner on the patio from 1-3.  Gerald created a number of wreath ‘rings’ on a recent visit to his farm in Kentucky. Lucky for us he is sharing them!

Space is limited so RSVP to to reserve your spot.

Workshop is $25 (payable to Gerald Abner) and supplies will be provided.

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Blue Shed's Annual Winter Market

Blue Shed's Annual Winter Market

It was a banner year for fruit in Denver and I’m proud to share that almost all of our jam has been made with damaged fruit gleaned from neighborhood trees that would’ve otherwise been wasted.  

*To pre-order for pickup at this market (or anytime from the porch), please contact us to be sent the online order form.

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Flower Pounding Workshop With Gerald Abner

Flower Pounding Workshop With Gerald Abner

When: Sunday, August 25, 2024, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Blue Shed Urban Gardens
Cost: Free, but suggested donation is $20.
RSVP: Required, sign up on SignUpGenius

We’ll be exploring how plants can be used for print-making by expressing their dye through ‘pounding.’ Supplies provided.

Gerald Abner is a gardening friend and fellow creative spirit. With an undergraduate degree in Art Education he has always explored a variety of media. Over they ears, watercolors and pencil drawings became his main focus. Gerald was selected as Teacher of the Year (his wife shared this tidbit with me:) in his home state of Kentucky but is now retired and finds gardening and nature to be his current art medium and inspiration.  Married to his soul mate, Belva, for 29 years, they split their time here and on their farm in Kentucky. I can’t wait to host this workshop with Gerald!  Please RSVP using this SignUpGenius to reserve your spot. Ages 18+

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Growing Food in the City: Two School Garden Tours

Growing Food in the City: Two School Garden Tours

When: Saturday, August 17, 2024, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Blue Shed Urban Gardens
Cost: Suggested donation is $10 to Grow Local Colorado, but not required for attendance. All proceeds will go towards the maintenance of these two school gardens.
RSVP: Via SignUpGenius

Barbara Masoner, my good friend, mentor and founder/co-director of Grow Local Colorado and I are teaming up to host a morning at two DPS gardens: Cory Elementary and South HS. Barbara manages the garden at Cory (along with Skeeter Buck) and I manage South.  Barbara will also share information about Grow Local Colorado and the amazing work they do to keep our communities fed.

This event is scheduled for August 17th from 9-11 a.m. and we are in hopes that several South students who’ve worked with me this summer will be in attendance to share information about their garden and how it provides fresh produce for the school’s Giving Grocery.

Plan to meet here at Blue Shed at 9:00 (1064 S High St) where we will enjoy a quick cup of coffee and a muffin before visiting the gardens. Barb will lead anyone wanting to ride their bike OR you may hop in your car and join us at Cory Elementary. We should be to South HS by 10:15.

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Seedling Sale

Seedling Sale

The Seedling Sale & Open House will be Saturday, May 11th.  This is earlier than in years past, but weather permitting, it will be held 9am-3:00pm. Though there may not be as many seedlings available, I am hoping to have gifts for mom’s, grandma’s, new graduates, edible/annual pots, and the usual jams and jellies.  There may even be some radishes and spinach by then!

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Seed Share Event

Seed Share Event

Come join Blue Shed Urban Gardens and Grow Local Colorado for this free seed sharing event, in partnership with Stoute Farm and Permatierra, a new Black woman-owned community boutique in Wheatridge, CO.

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Holiday Market

Holiday Market

I will be selling jam, jelly, canned pie filling, baked goods etc. at The Table Public House’s Holiday Market at 2190 S Platte River Dr, in Denver, CO.

That being said, and because this market is a week earlier than last year’s, I will also be taking pre-orders for pie filling (apple and apple-pear-cranberry). Fillings will be canned and sold in pint or quart jars and will be shelf stable for up to a year. I will send out another email/reminder for pre-orders, but for now, simply respond to this newsletter if you are interested.

Pints will sell for $20. I will have a limited quantity of these at the Holiday Market. These smaller jars are perfect for 2 people, a smaller pie, crisp, topping for oatmeal or yogurt, or filling for hand pies/croissants. These will be canned for safe keeping through the winter.

Quarts will sell for $30 and fill a standard pie shell. These will be pre-order only and also canned for shelf stability.

*All apples and pears are organic and locally- sourced.

Pumpkin Gingerbread (plain, pecan or chocolate chip) will also be available for pre-order. I will sell small sizes of these at the Holiday Market, but you may also pre-order the standard 9”x5”. They will be $25 for plain and $28 for the pecan/chocolate chip varieties. These freeze well.

All proceeds go directly back into Blue Shed Urban Gardens, LLC and allow our community to do the work we do to grow, glean and share food.

All items will be available for pickup at 1064 S High St from 3-6:00 p.m. November 19th, 20th and 21st, Thanksgiving week.

{*Please note that I am a Cottage Foods Producer Colorado Cottage Foods Act and have received the training and certification for safe food handling}.

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